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The global community of ktMINE users are at the center of everything we do here. Keeping that in mind, over the past few months ktMINE’s Customer Success team has been chatting with you, our users, and taking diligent notes regarding our Search App. After identifying key commonalities in their conversations, our market leads, technology rock stars, and UX gurus hit the whiteboard to start implementing changes. The resulting updates are thoughtfully designed to make your life easier and give you total control of your IP research.


You asked:

  • Why can’t I export and share the raw data used to create the graphs and charts? And why can’t I download the charts themselves?

    Great questions! You should be able to easily share the work you’re doing with those outside of the platform. This update will allow you to share the raw data used to create analytics, as well as export the charts in various formats (pdf, png, jpg and xlsx). Grab the raw data and charts and easily integrate them into your next report or presentation for some added flair.
  • We love your interconnected data, but why can’t I see all of your data sets within data profiles?

    Well thank you, we love our connected data too! Connected data sets (e.g. trademarks and assignments) will be easier than ever to follow, and accessible within data profiles. Meaning you don’t have to open yet another tab or search around to find what you’re looking for.
  • When I conduct a search, why can’t I choose what results I see first?

    With so much data, we definitely don’t want to tell you what should be most important to your projects. Our new interface will allow you to take ownership of your own ‘story’ and choose the results most relevant to you. You’ll immediately see results across our entire platform rather than be directed to a single data set of our choosing.

You mentioned:

  • We often don’t have a lot of time to conduct our research. Plus loading bars are so yesterday.

    We hear you, loading bars are annoying and take valuable time away from your work. The aforementioned tech gurus have worked their magic and rewired the back-end code for smaller calls to data so that it can be called simultaneously and loaded asynchronously. But that’s just technical speak for ‘our platform is faster than ever before!’
  • There’s so much I still don’t know about the platform; it would be great to get a little more help when needed.

    There is a lot to learn! That’s why we’ve expanded our Customer Success team, who are ready and looking forward to answering your questions. They’ve developed an onboarding process that will have you ready to search on day one, as well as educate you along your ktMINE journey. They’ve even taken it a step further by compiling a comprehensive support site for those days you just don’t want to talk to anyone. You’ll have easy access to how-to’s, best practices and other help documentation.

We can’t wait to show you how your feedback has enhanced the platform. Get ahead of these changes by reaching out to your customer success rep at


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