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A couple of months ago, I shared what ktMINE was up to as we closed out an unbelievable year. I discussed how we adapted to COVID-19, shared insights from our new normal, and how we continued to drive innovation. What is the latest update? With 2020 officially behind us, we pulled inspiration from our lessons learned to map out an exciting 2021.

At ktMINE, we believe in preparing for the future and anticipating the needs of our customers. This belief (and practice) allows us to deliver innovative applications and services to the market. Last year, as the team not only adjusted to remote work, we spent a lot of time focusing on developing new technologies, improving customer experience, and identifying new approaches to how we work with our data.

With 2020’s hard work driving us forward, we can’t wait to share the new products, capabilities, and data service models that will soon come with being a ktMINE customer. These latest innovations enable us to address customers’ present-day challenges while evolving with their future requirements.

Our Analytics Widget AppBenchmark App, Data Services, and a brand new ktMINE website to better connect with our customers – are all set to launch this spring. I couldn’t be more excited to show everybody not only the new applications but also the improved customer experience processes we’re working on.

The Analytics Widget App is a revolutionary internal collaboration system for law firms that need access to real-time IP and transaction analytics. In a matter of seconds, law firm teams will be able to create and share widgets delivering IP transactions updates for research. These updates will display within their own familiar CRM tool or intranet system instead of relying on several sources to gather valuable IP insights.

We revolutionized the agreement searching market – and we are doing it again with the Benchmark App. A completely re-engineered, brand new offering that integrates every possible use case necessary for performing valuations, transfer pricing analyses, damages assessments, etc. within a user-centric interface design for quick searching and collaboration.

We have a saying at ktMINE, “find comfort in the grey area.” Nothing is always all good and nothing is always all bad, it’s somewhere in the grey area. While 2020 was a really challenging year, not everything was all bad and we found ways to make the best of the situation we were in. Coming out of last year we can reflect on our resilience and are putting everything we learned to use to help each other and create the best experience for our customers.

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