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During Q2, the ktMINE team focused on enhancing our citation data coverage and searching capabilities in response to user demands. We actively worked on implementing new functionalities to deliver this valuable information to our users effectively.

New Features: Citation Table & Searching

In our efforts to further incorporate citation data into our platform, we pursued a two-fold approach. Firstly, we ensured that Forward and Backward citation data was presented alongside each patent in their respective profiles. Secondly, we introduced a search feature that allows users to specifically explore this citation data, facilitating efficient and targeted research.

Table View:

The new table view is a way to visualize citation data, allowing users to see what patents are either citing or being cited by the observed patent. Each table is segmented by Forward and Backward Citations with an individual table for each version. Just like everything in our platform, there are also direct links to the patents so users may view the underlying data.


To add value to citation data, ktMINE has also developed two new search fields, Forwards Citing Patent Number & Backwards Cited Patent Number. These two additional filters allow users to search their patents through the citation data providing valuable insights for monetization, strategy, and risk mitigation.

backward citation data

Enhancing User Experience: Discover ktMINE’s New Features and Quality-of-Life Updates

We didn’t stop there. In addition to the improved citation data, we made continuous efforts to enhance the overall user experience of our database. Several minor, quality-of-life updates were introduced to ensure ease of use and provide a seamless research and analysis process for our valued users.

Chart Updates:

To simplify the complex landscape of IP, we’ve recently added a new chart as well as modified the recommended charts users see on first use. The new chart functions as a more consolidated and direct approach to displaying royalty trends. At the same time, the new layout highlights a few charts that were noted by our users as having higher importance.

Export Status:

In order to enhance transparency during the export process, particularly for significantly large downloads, we have incorporated a status tracker into our export modal. This feature is designed to keep users informed, rather than guessing, about the progress of their exports.

Patent Image Rotate:

In response to patent researchers’ requests, we have implemented a user-friendly feature allowing easy rotation of the patent images.

Innovating the Future of Patent Research: Previewing ktMINE’s Upcoming Company Page

ktMINE is diligently working to introduce a range of new features and content. One we’re excited to highlight is our new Company Tab. The tab will feature details surrounding the companies that are produced within a patent search. The tool will bring a curated target list right to the fingertips of patent researchers.

Get in touch to be one of the first to see our latest innovation in action.


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