Through our work with technology transfer, commercialization and licensing professionals, ktMINE announces the launch of our newest App, Commercialization Wizard.
Developed to bridge the gap between technology and commercialization, ktMINE Commercialization Wizard increases the probability of successfully commercializing any technology by answering three important questions:
- Who are the market participants currently involved with licensing in or out of a technology?
- What types of royalty rates can we expect to pay or be paid with respect to a technology?
- What do the deal structures look like within a particular industry
Utilizing the power of ktMINE data and documentation, by simply entering in a keyword, patent abstract, patent number or set of patent numbers, ktMINE Commercialization Wizard gives you instant access to inbound and outbound market participants, royalty rate statistics, licensed patents and their corresponding license agreements.
Additionally, users can view comprehensive company, patent and license agreement profiles for further research.
Contact Us, we’d be happy to set up a demonstration and discuss access options.
ktMINE Commercialization Wizard App Introduction from ktMINE on Vimeo.