At the virtual AALL Conference in 2021, one of the many key trends that thought leaders shared with me was the ability of law libraries to increase attorney engagement with the library. Thought leaders described one way as bringing IP analytics closer to their attorneys and allowing them to easily access and interact with the data. With the ever-growing list of individual IP research and IP management databases, it can prove to be an exhaustive task.
Below are some of the ways that law libraries are delivering critical insights to their attorneys and internal operations, using the ktMINE Analytics Widget App to implant live analytics within their internal systems.
Law librarians often go to extreme lengths to provide their attorneys with easily digestible and accessible information. Adding to the pain is the fact that there are a growing number of siloed IP research databases, forcing librarians to routinely log into each database and manually export and transfer that data into SharePoint or other systems. Law libraries are often looking for a more efficient way to provide their attorneys with real-time insights into industry landscapes and client portfolios.
Below is a typical setup of a firm’s landing page for their life sciences practice area as well as a sample page of a key client:
Landing Page: 2021 Patent Analytics – Biotechnology & Pharmaceutical
Key Client Portfolio – GlaxoSmithKline (GSK)
Business Development
Many law firms strictly look at IP research as something that is done externally for their clients. On the contrary, internal firm operations can greatly benefit from data analytics to track where their competition is trying to get ahead, potentially being able to thwart those efforts if discovered using the right data. That’s where the law library can come in.
Below is a current business development setup within the ktMINE Analytics Widget App, allowing business development teams to monitor their competition across key clients, practice areas, and industries:
Law Firm Coverage on Key Client – GlaxoSmithKline
Law Firm Coverage on Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Industries in 2021
One of the many reasons I love working at ktMINE is because our team is always finding clever ways to help our clients quickly gain access to information that they otherwise could not address with their traditional data research vendors. We go to the AALL conference every summer to learn the latest themes and trends of law libraries and add to the knowledge gained throughout the prior year. When speaking with our customers at these events and learning of their pain points, it really is rewarding to return to them within a matter of months with a solution that they helped to envision. We are especially looking forward to being back in person this year in Denver for AALL 2022! See you all there.
To learn more about how our latest innovation works, check out our ktMINE Analytics App walkthrough.