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Michael Taylor

Co-Founder & CEO

With 20-years of experience in systems architecture and design, Mike built the infrastructure that powers ktMINE and now leads the Company into its future. With a deep understanding of IP and transactional data, Mike positions ktMINE to grow by delivering data through our Applications and Data Services.

Mike’s undying passion for technology motivates him to provide intuitive and insightful solutions to his customers. His relentless desire to uncover new ways to improve the ktMINE offerings drives him (and the team) to stay innovative and continue to push limits.

He created our motto, ‘nothing is sacred,’ which constantly challenges the team to break the status quo; to find new ways to create value for ktMINE customers.

Do you have any strange phobias?

Impaling myself on a straw

What’s the strangest talent you have?

I’m really good at staring

Michael Taylor
Michael Taylor
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